Scala Lists

Create lists Examples that define the lists to be used in the rest of the sections of the post val list1 = 1::2::3::4::5::Nil val list2 = List(1,2,3,4,5) val list3 = List.range(1,6) val list4 = List.range(1,6,2) val list5 = List.fill(5)(1) val list6 =...

RDD definition

RDD definition RDD Resilient distributed datasets represents an immutable and partitioned collection of elements that can be operated in parallel. A RDD can be created or paralelizando a collection of data (list, dictionary,..) or loading it of an external storage...

Apache Spark

Spark definition Apache Spark is a distributed computing system of free software, which allows to process large sets of data on a set of machines simultaneously, providing horizontal scalability and fault tolerance. To meet these features provides a program...