Agile methodologies

by | Apr 5, 2018 | Metodologies | 0 comments

Agile Methodologies Features

  1. Incremental development, instead of the complete planning and execution of the product.
  2. The quality of the result depends on the value of the innate knowledge of the self-organized teams, rather than the quality of the processes used.
  3. Overlap of the different stages of development.
  4. Repeat iterations continuously until the customer closes the evolution of the product.


Comparative of Agile Methodologies

Comparative of Agile Methodologies


Main Agile Methodologies:

SCRUM Methodology

SCRUM Methodology

SCRUM Methodology


KANBAN Methodology

KANBAN Methodology

KANBAN Methodology


XP Methodology

XP Methodology - Extreme programming

XP Methodology – Extreme programming


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